Learn Dutch,
Make The Netherlands your home
I help you not only learn Dutch, but also learn the Dutch way and make yourself feel at home!
Based in Eindhoven and available Online
Free Intake
Photo credit to @franopenava

Learn Dutch in a way most comfortable for you

Welcome to the Netherlands! Great to have you here and now the hardest part -  settle in.
Don’t worry we’ve got your back!
I support you all the way in to learn the Dutch language, culture, finding friends and building your life here in the Netherlands. Doesn’t matter what your challenges are – gaining high proficiency level of Dutch, passing Inburgering or NT2, figuring out Dutch housing market, we are there for you!


Moved here with the family and your kids go to Dutch school/kindergarten?No worries, let me help you make yourself comfortable here.


One on one private lessons of Dutch language tailored to your learning style and your personal needs.


Working with expats is my specialty! I will make sure your employees are enjoying themselves here learning Dutch, building social circle and sharing their cultures.

Meet your teacher

My name is Marion and I am thrilled to have you on my website!  I know that being an expat is a challenge on its own and then add a different language and culture to it. So let me help you here!

My journey as a teacher started in Hong Kong six years ago, where I moved with my husband and got to experience the expat life myself.
After having background in psychology and years of experience as a therapist, I had to reinvent myself and I found passion in teaching Dutch at the Dutch Consulate in Hong Kong.

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Two years since I am back in the Netherlands and I kept on teaching Dutch and helping expats settle in our beautiful country.  I helped numerous expats and their families to prepare for the life in the Netherlands, pass Inburgering, NT2 and guide them through he process of getting Dutch citizenship.

I love teaching and coaching, my background in psychology helps me quickly create a special dynamic. I focus on helping my students gain self-confidence, which makes learning Dutch a lot easier.

Learn in a way you learn the best!

I believe that there’s no on-size-fits-all and learning in private or small groups is more effective than classrooms.  No matter what your needs and learning preferences are, I will make it work for you.
Some of the goals we help a our students achieve:

  • Passing NT2 and Inburgering
  • Gaining working proficiency level of Dutch
  • Learning the language of their spouse and family in law
  • Finding friends among Dutch people and building social circle
  • Navigating expat life in the Netherlands
  • Preparing for life in the Netherlands before moving
  • Understanding Dutch healthcare, housing market, education system, taxes other regulations

Let's see how I can help you

Book a free intake

I know you have a lot of questions and I am happy to answer them all. Book an intake session and we can discuss your learning goal and needs.

Not ready for an intake yet?

Feel free to send me an email or contact me on Facebook with any questions you have.
Hear it from my students
Marion is ...

Marion is flexible, she teaches you the way that suits you. Marion is attentive.  I do not recall falling asleep at any of her lessons because she always finds a way to keep me focused. It can be a silly jone, a friendly chat or a piece of my favourite - chocolate.Marion is patient. Believe it or not, over the years of lessons, there hasn’t been a single time that Marion got annoyed because I repeatedly make the same mistake.

A Teacher by Heart

After only a few sessions working together, I remember telling her , “You are a born teacher”. One can feel immediately her passion for teaching and for her students to really learn. Marion fits the lessons to the student’s needs and never the other way around.She also makes learning interesting and even fun. It is almost impossible not to look forward to the next lessons with her.

Mary Ann Reeuwijk
Dutch more & more!

As a beginner in learning Dutch, I joined the weekly one2one lesson with Marion for almost two years.  Her tailor-made course materials which assisted me to build up my Dutch vocabulary, as well as my spoken Dutch - these are so handy for my work!Chats with Marion has helped me to learn more about Dutch culture and mindset.  These have made me appreciate the Netherlands and the Dutch more & more!

Betty van
Netherlands Consulate in Hong Kong
Marion is ...
A Teacher by Heart
Dutch more & more!

Marion is flexible, she teaches you the way that suits you. Marion is attentive.  I do not recall falling asleep at any of her lessons because she always finds a way to keep me focused. It can be a silly jone, a friendly chat or a piece of my favourite - chocolate.Marion is patient. Believe it or not, over the years of lessons, there hasn’t been a single time that Marion got annoyed because I repeatedly make the same mistake.

After only a few sessions working together, I remember telling her , “You are a born teacher”. One can feel immediately her passion for teaching and for her students to really learn. Marion fits the lessons to the student’s needs and never the other way around.She also makes learning interesting and even fun. It is almost impossible not to look forward to the next lessons with her.

As a beginner in learning Dutch, I joined the weekly one2one lesson with Marion for almost two years.  Her tailor-made course materials which assisted me to build up my Dutch vocabulary, as well as my spoken Dutch - these are so handy for my work!Chats with Marion has helped me to learn more about Dutch culture and mindset.  These have made me appreciate the Netherlands and the Dutch more & more!


Mary Ann Reeuwijk

Betty van
Netherlands Consulate in Hong Kong

Contact me

I know you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, I would be happy to share any information.

You can send your questions in the form and I will answer within one working day.


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